July 16, 2024

Yesterday I showed you how to make Suzi’s magic bracelet.  On Suzi’s blog post she had a link to the 5 Strand Mystery Braid Bracelet.  Hmmm. Magic was great…might as well try the mystery!  Suzi posted a link to a YouTube video that I immediately thought was way too hard.  I watched and watched and just could not make the necessary twists…..so I called in Nancy, who understood the concept immediately and helped me to make this fabulous bracelet.

You do have to watch the video.  I have no idea who the mathematical geniuses are who come up with these twisting ideas.  Basically, this strip of suede…with no open ends can be braided into this shape.

I used our new pink ultra suede cuff and was able to cut the openings with ease using a rotary trimmer.

I trimmed my corners and used the Crystal Applicator Tool (for Swarovski Snaps) to make this closure.  The SILVER/TRANSPARENT/CRYSTAL snap is perfect because it still shows the pink suede behind it.

What can I say?  I love it!  The bracelet even curled a little over night and now it looks even better!  Lightweight and the ideal suede to wear this summer!

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