July 16, 2024

This felted collar features a SWAROVSKI SILVER/CRYSTAL snap.

The new Crystal Applicator tool makes setting a snap very easy.

To make a snap you need four pieces. A front snap with a top and bottom and a back snap with a top and bottom.

The snap setter also has four dies: front top and bottom die and back top and bottom die.

The crystals are considered the front of the snap.  Since they are placed in the tool with the crystal face down, the item you wish to apply the snap to must go face down as well.

When you work with the tool you will need to pay attention to tops and bottoms.

Once the front snap is in place you then can change the dies on the tool and set the back.

The dies are easy to change.  a screw holds each in place.

Since we need the snap to work in a collar typesetting for the project the material is set face up this time.

Top and bottom are now set.

I felt these collars myself, so I need the closure to be perfect.

My collar was completed by hand sewing pink luster and silver metallic glass beads and green glass pearls throughout.  If you would like a little more information about felting you can pop by my blog to see how I made the collar.

Crystal applicator, dies and snaps are now in stock!