July 16, 2024

There are so many images to share from the two days of special events at John Bead.

Here is Vince from Swarovski, who always presents such an informative trends report.

He is so personable!  He answers any and all questions!

Fernando and Stephanie!  More about Fernando in the next post!

The presentation took place in our beautiful Swarovski cafe area.

The crowd at media night just fit!  An extra row of chairs was needed at the last minute.

There were, of course, a few extra special treats.

Our Instant Glam prize winners were very happy!

The expressions say more than I can.

Fun, information, snacks, beverages, shopping and prizes make for happy participants.

Unveiled September 26 the 2013/14 Trend Flags!

 If you click on the picture above you will see a video highlighting all the flags!