July 16, 2024

It is hard to believe that this bezel featuring a bird, flowers and crystals can be created with Apoxie Sculpt and some photocopies.

For the project I made myself a cup of coffee (optional) and a small ball of White Apoxie Sculpt clay.  I also selected some toner photocopy (not ink jet) images to work with.

I filled my Metal Complex silver plated bracelet link bezel with white Apoxie Sculpt.  Then I cut the image I wanted to the approximate size of the bezel surface.

I burnished this in place for about five minutes using my fingers.  You need to make sure you have a good adhesion between the paper and the Apoxie Sculpt surface.

Then I wet the paper.  I do this so I can see the images.  I removed the paper from the edges too so I could add some crystals to the Apoxie Sculpt before it cured.

Here is what my piece looked like at this point.  I let everything cure for 24 hours.  That is hard to do! You don’t know if the transfer worked and you can’t peak.

After the clay was cured I dropped this bezel into warm water and careful removed all the paper from the surface.  You just carefully rub all the paper pulp away.  You may need to do this a few times.  On the picture above I still had paper clinging to the surface.  What you are leaving is the toner from the copy which is now transferred onto the clay.

A final coat of spray sealer or varnish helps to make the image pop again.  I added my Metal Complex interchangeable bracelet and it is ready to wear!