July 16, 2024

This new brooch was so easy to make that a few of you might start rummaging in your stash drawers before you finish reading this post.

Notice how even the edges are?

The brooch was made possible because of the magic of these two little balls of Apoxie Sculpt.  Apoxie Sculpt is a two part system.  When you knead these two “clay-like” products into one solid putty you get a special clay that air dries and then cures in 24 hours.

In my collection of broken jewelery parts I had this wire and crystal heart.  (You might not notice but the heart actually snapped at the bottom.)

I rolled out my Apoxie Sculpt on a non stick surface and embedded my heart into it.  Using a blade I cut away any of the Apoxie from the edges.

Then I happily embedded my Preciosa Pointed Back crystals ab(ca#36204). I did sand my edges a little.  After the brooch completely cures, you can easily add a bar pin to the back and now this sample is  ready to wear!

2 thoughts on “Apoxie Resin for Repair or Design Work

  1. Beautiful brooch Carmi. Can the apoxy be kneeded with the hands.
    I know some clays have to be worked through a pasta machine….hate that idea.
    Thanks Pam

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