July 16, 2024

Yesterday’s blog post highlighted using Apoxie Sculpt as a surface to embed crystals into.

Today I’ll show you how easy it is to create unique molded embellishments with it.  For this sample I used the Black Apoxie Sculpt, White Apoxie Sculpt John Bead also has a Apoxie Clay kit with Black, Brown, Grey and White that is a nice starter kit and is great for this project as well. I also used a handmade silver plated Metal Complex pendant bezel (36x32x2) and Preciosa Pointed Back crystals ab(ca#36204).

Whenever I work with Apoxie Sculpt I have a little bit left over.

Since I don’t want to waste one bit of Apoxie Sculpt, I started to leave a mold out on my table.  I press any leftover Apoxie Sculpt in my mold and leave it to air dry and cure for 24 hours.  I knew I wanted a black and white flower theme for my new pendant and these molded ones turned out perfect!  I did do a little filing to take off any uneven edges.

For this sample I filled my bezel with the black Apoxie Sculpt.

Then I arranged and embedded my flowers.  At this point I decided to see what else I had in my stash which would complete the black and white theme.  I found three of these vintage enamel flowers and embedded them too.

My last step was to put a small ball of black Apoxie Sculpt in the enamel flowers so that I could also add three crystals.  Now that I have worked in black and white I am excited to try all the colours in the Apoxie Clay family!