July 16, 2024

My kumihimo necklaces are taking on a life of their own.

In my last post I told you I was going to be shopping at John Bead.  These are all the rattail colours I brought home.  I need them all.  Really, I do!

My first project was to try and match the fabric pendant. (I’ll show you what I do with the beads tomorrow.)

With all my new rattail colours, I knew I could and finally settled on red, green and an extra thin strand of gold hemp.

My Dazzle-It kumihimo disk is so easy to work with.  The instructions for this round rope braid are included.

Notice that I let the gold hemp wrap itself around two of the red strands.

The gold hemp added colour through-out in a random pattern.  I loved this effect.

Finally, a necklace I can use to hang this pendant!!