July 16, 2024

Nancy Donaldson designed this set for the Dazzle-it Blog. 

She recommended giving it away to a Dazzle-it blog reader!  Isn’t that a wonderful idea?

If you would like to win this set, please leave a comment on this blog post.  (If you post as anonymous, you must leave a name or I won’t know who to email.)  I will pick a winner on Monday September 24rth.

The comment button is at the top of the post beside the title!

Post about the necklace linked here.

Post about the earrings linked here.

10 thoughts on “Dazzle-it Jewelry Give-A-Way!

  1. Love the design of the necklace and Nancy’s colour choices. Would be proud to wear this glamorous piece.

  2. I love Nancy’s design. The use of colours is fantastic, suitable for the fall. This is a great inspiration for my next project.

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