July 16, 2024

This is what you will see if your were on the roof of John Bead’s building.

John Bead has been has made a commitment to take part in the application of solar power; a clean, sustainable form of energy.

Our customers have always known us to be a family oriented company. To better care for our future generations as well as the environment, we’ve invested in a massive space for solar paneling. Now we’re not only reducing our carbon footprint; we’re giving green energy back to the community as a way of saying “Thank you”, and helping initiate a responsible energy uses movement.

Facts about our Responsible Energy Initiative

  • We have over 1,200 Solar Panels
  • Generating 356,186 kilowatts per hour in one full year
  • The equivalent to power 30 Homes per year
  • In total, offsetting CO2 emissions by a whopping 800 tons per year