July 16, 2024

Last month we had the pleasure of showing you dozens of photos we took when John Bead and a select group of companies participated in the Gift Lounge at the Emmys with the Craft and Hobby Association.  We were part of a special group who hosted crafty make-n-takes for the celebrities.  Our booth in the lounge featured special new jewelry designed by Fernando DaSilva.

“It’s incredibly exciting to be going to Hollywood to be part of an event that directly connects our chic craft world with the fabulous show business industry. John Bead is an innovative company that helps creative individuals express themselves through our jewelry making components. I can’t wait to ‘dazzle’ the celebrities with our Instant Glam™ and fashion forward products,” said Fernando DaSilva, Product Development and Creative Manager.

Fernando allowed me to take pictures of some of the new pieces to share with you!

Our Instant Glam bezel collection could not be better showcased!

Each piece Fernando created was one of a kind.

Some of these necklaces feature products we’ll be able to share with you in a few weeks.

Now that October is almost over, holiday celebrations are on the horizon.

These amazing necklaces should have you planning to create your own glamourous projects.

Thank you for letting me study these Fernando!  I’ll be returning them to the show room ASAP!

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