July 16, 2024

Our Dazzle-it product line has a special blog hop today featuring the work of many fabulous jewelers, crafters and designers!

Our new Faux Suede Tassels are the stars of this blog hop!

All the designer/artists in this blog hop received a “Dazzle-it Blog Hop Kit.” Each of the individual Dazzle-it colours was sent to one designer so they may have had white, yellow, green or even hot pink.  They did not get to choose their main colour, it was randomly shipped.  They were given an assortment of tassels, but I asked them to try and focus on using the one special colour set in their kit.


We could not resist sending the matching Faux Suede Lace cording when we planned this hop. The colour options are just wonderful!   The designers also received several different new closures and clasps which I will be featuring in additional posts next month!

You’ll find a huge collection of inspired projects by heading over to the Dazzle-it blog!